Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#45 libc: speed up path resolving new unixeas pathresolver libc bird enhancement normal
#42 libc: Add logging option for not creating the log file until it's actually written to new logging libc bird enhancement normal
#31 libc: is*() testcase assigned libc setlocale ctype bird defect normal
#25 libc: recvmsg/recvfrom doesn't set correct address length assigned libc tcpip udp bird defect normal
#18 libc: -Zbin-files doesn't work on stdin/out/err - init order new libc stdio bird defect normal
#14 libc: implement the opendir() APIs using getdirents new libc opendir bird defect normal
#11 libc: Use kBuild new libc kBuild bird defect normal
#10 libc/emx: separating libc and the emx toolchain new emx libc bird defect highest
#9 libc: unix orphan new libc bird defect normal
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