Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#125 libc: Missing nan(), nanl() and nanf() bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#151 libc: Recursive "LIBC SYS Filehandle Mutex" panic bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#114 libc: Unloading a DLL can break wait*() and other libc operations. bird defect normal 0.6 critical
#146 libc: fread() on a write-only stream incorrectly puts it in an irreversable read mode bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#147 libc: merge in current regex code and fix REG_ERANGE bug (sed/grep/++) bird defect normal 0.6.1 normal
#158 libc: printf("%#X, 255) outputs 0xFF instead of 0XFF bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#113 libc: scanf("%lld", &lld) bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#142 libc: tempnam(NULL,NULL) crashes and tempnam messes up errno bird defect normal 0.6 normal
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