Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#61 libc: symlink(,existing) returns the wrong errno bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#60 libc: filehandle inheritance doesn't work right! bird defect highest 0.6 blocker
#52 libc: path resolver fails resolving a directory symlink for lstat bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#51 libc: unlink fails on readonly file bird defect high 0.6 normal
#50 libc: umask isn't inherited bird defect high 0.6 major
#49 libc: st_ctime is incorrect and st_birthtime isn't converted to UTC bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#41 libc: incorrect __libc_back_fsUnixAttribsGet() usage caused st_dev and st_ino to be 0 in some stat()s and chmod & fchmod to set MODE EA without type bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#40 libc: open("/", RDONLY) fails. bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#38 libc: when debugged default to breakpoint on panic bird enhancement normal 0.6 normal
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