Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 245)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#172 bird bird fixed libc: dup2/dup on tcpip socket doesn't clear the no-inhert/close-on-exec flags

When duplicating a tcpip socket (file descriptor if you like) the no-inherit and close-on-exec flags aren't cleared as they should. This results in code doing socketpair(); ... dup2(fds[1], 1/*stdout*/); _spawn(); to fail. (On example of this is the cups code.)

#173 bird bird fixed libc: bsdselect (4.4) will corrupt the stack / fail when given more than 64 sockets

calcsize() in tcpipver.c calculates an fd_set size which is way too small. The cbRet = MAX(cbRet, sizeof(struct my_fd_set)); construct at the end of the function is saving the day for smaller selects, but it will only help up to 64 handles. squid (and probably apache) can easily be pressed to have much more than 64 sockets open (using the ab test tool). squid would either crash in bsdselect or it would return not-a-socket errors which would eventually cause squid to abort.

#176 bird bird fixed kNIX: patch

Port the current patch.

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