Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#71 wontfix unnecessary dependence on gccxxx.dll dryeo

Java includes a dependence on This can result in multiple installs of these DLLs, wasted bandwidth downloading them yet again for very little benefit. Simple solution is to set GCCOPT='-static-libgcc' This will statically link the couple of small functions that may be needed.

#74 fixed update to latest openJava dmik Silvan Scherrer

for GA i think it could make sense to update to latest openJava

#83 invalid wps doesn't start after reboot after having installed odin haraldkamm

After having installed the latest odin-release the wps doesn't start anymore, i. e. freezes immediately after having visualized the background colour and mousepointer. A restore of the system configuration doesn't help (using robosave), I needed to restore the complete os/2 directory (what does the installation routine?). The problem is reproduceable with all the newer odin releases. Any hint?

Sincerely, Harald

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