Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#196 duplicate Fatal error when running Freemind 09.0 (0.8.1 works fine. djburtness1

Starts without error but crashes after a few seconds. Java GA3 with HOTFIX_GA3_1-20120807 applied. See attached dump.

#217 duplicate Consider porting the SWT library gyoung

This is needed for new SmartSVN etc

#221 duplicate Error opening subsidiary window under jdk6 taf

I'm upgrading from java 1.4 to java 6 using OpenJDK6. I run a Java email package PolarBar?. I can start the application, navigate mail folders, download mail, but when I open an email, the program starts a new window. The window frame and controls (min,max buttons, close button, titlebar icon) are present and function, but the area where the note's text should be displayed is empty (it's actually the image of whatever is behind the new window).

I noticed an entry in the change log mentioning that problems with swing text windows had been fixed -- I'm wondering if I've missed out a part of the install? I downloaded and unzipped:

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