Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#191 fixed New OpenJdk release mrt

New OpenJdk? B26 Release

#193 fixed Filename by accident wrong? Joop

In the Java distributions of Innotek and the unofficial 1.5 versions I can find in the bin directory the file jpeg.dll. However in all 1.6 releases this file is called jjpeg.dll, is this by accident or on purpose? Or are we talking about total different things? Because some packages can't save jpeg files with version 1.6(Ga,GA2,GA3) and can with the Innotek 1.42something. So I suspect that those packages are looking for the jpeg.dll and can't find that name in the bin directory with the result that nothing happens, in one case I got filenames but with 0 bytes. If its just renaming the file this could be solved very quick without lots of developer time.

#199 fixed No menu in ImageJ Joop

Installed latest Odin 0.8.8 and Java 1.60 GA4. Changed the command file to point to the right directions. ImageJ starts, but again without main menu.

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