Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (157 - 159 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#63 duplicate Program (GenJ) will normally not start elygre

When starting GenJ it will most often not start. The only solution so far is to reboot (many times). When it don't start the PC is standing with a cpu utilization of 99,9% for about one minute before GenJ stops. The message in the Command Window is:

[D:\Programs\Genj]java -Xmx512m -Xms32m -jar run.jar

SYS1808: The process has stopped. The software diagnostic code (exception code) is 0005.

It seems as if the program has started, then I can restart it many times in the same session. If I have to reboot of some reason I most often have to reboot many times before GenJ will start.

#84 duplicate Java crash with Drag & Drop (Jalbum) elygre

Dragging pictures or folders into Jalbum work area crashes the system.

#91 duplicate Problem running Jalbum 9.1.3 Anchieri

I have run 5 time Jalbum 9.1.3 and obtained 5 log error file that I have attached.

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