Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#123 fixed Some remarks on Readme.os2 Batchheizer

1) For Liberation-fonts: Please add a link to the fine package of alex: This works faster then the way you explained ind readme. 2) Could you please provide a simple (only a/href, br, p, b, i, u ) html-readme (WarpIN for example can open URLs)? There are so many usefull links and "Click" is faster then "mark, copy, paste". ;-)

#124 fixed Error message from JAlbum 9.5 Joop

I'm not sure if you can do something with it, but its a report from JAlbum 9.5. I'm running eCS 1.2Dutch, available memory 1Gb. Enclosed the error file. It looks like its running okay, but at start all is upside down, starting something else will correct this. I'm not sure if this is with this Java version or with JAlbum, its since 9.4.1. So I'm more on the side of JAlbum for this, but the developer from JAbum says otherwise.

#128 fixed Hang at exitlist an64

Any java program hangs at exit, process commander shows "java.exe exiting thread"

It started with beta 2 and any newer version include ga

kernel 14.103a uni

I tried to remove any other java binaies and reinstall odin

My cmd file set PATH=K:\1u\j\bin; rem %PATH% set BEGINLIBPATH=K:\1u\j\bin; rem %BEGINLIBPATH% set CLASSPATH= SET JAVA_HOME=K:\1u\j SET SWING_HOME= java.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

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