Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 172)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#82 Tapio_Angervuori fixed EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in connection with COM ports

LIBC PANIC!! _um_free_maybe_lock: Tried to free block twice - block=031bf5c4 lock=0x1 pid=0x00a8 ppid=0x007c tid=0x0003 slot=0x00b3 pri=0x0200 mc=0x0000 F:\JAVA142_04\BIN\JAVA.EXE Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

What do I do next?

#89 losepete invalid OpenJDK 6 JRE (SMP Friendly) tries to use both cpus in my dualcore system

I recently downloaded and installed JPhotoBrush to show my son, who uses PhotoShop?, that there are alternatives to the M$ world.

I have the "SMP friendly" version of java6 installed from and understood that it should only work on 1 cpu.

However, when running JPhotoBrush I see both cpus are in use - and trying to open files simply does not work, the cpus peak and after a short period of time when it is obvious that the app has got problems it is necessary to kill the app.

#92 melf fixed Update com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package to make KRUT work

I tried KRUT, a java-based screen recorder with openjkd6 and it opens fine, but is waiting for something... and never come in function. Image of cmd-window (and java-windows) attached. Is it possible to make this work?

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