Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (166 - 168 of 172)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#77 elygre fixed Can still not start Java applications

This is the same situation as described in Ticket #57. I have installed the new versions of Java and Odin and have still to reboot eCS 5-10 times before Genj is started. Each time the CPU-meter shows 99.9 % utilization for about 1-2 minutes before displaying the error message SYS1808: The process has stopped. The software diagnostic code (exception code) is 0005. The new thing now is that trying to install Jalbum gives the same result (#58). If I manage to start Genj I can close it and restart it many times without rebooting, but eventually it that luck also ends. Normally if Genj has started I can also start the installation of Jalbum. First it displays a graphical screen and asks for language. Then a progress bar start moving, but after a few sec. it stops - and that is it. The CPU-meter show no use of the CPU (0.3 %).

#109 new Joop invalid Exif-O-Matic version 1.2 doesn't work

Exif-O-Matic version 1.2 does not work, it ends with this

[I:\dtp\eom]eom-j160.cmd Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?: org/instituteofthefut ure/exif/ExifOMatic Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException?: org.instituteofthefuture.exif.ExifO Matic

at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader?.loadClass(ClassLoader?.java:321) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader?.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader?.loadClass(ClassLoader?.java:266)

Could not find the main class: org.instituteofthefuture.exif.ExifOMatic. Program

will exit.

The contents of eom-j160.cmd is;

@echo off set pad=%path% set path=i:\JAVA\JAVA160\bin;%pad% set BEGINLIBPATH=i:\JAVA\JAVA160\bin I: cd I:\DTP\EOM java -jar EOM12.jar (the original file is called EOM.jar, but I have also the older version in the same directory) set path=%pad%

I did use because its a zip-file. It contains 3 files, a batch for Windows, a readme and the jar file. Throw away the batch, the readme doesn't contain important info we did not already know.

#111 Joop wontfix ImageJ version 1.44l menu defects

ImageJ version 1.44l started with Java 1.5 works just fine. Running with Java 1.6 gives the problem that windows can't be closed, the program can't be stopped, buttons for saving yes, no and cancel don't work. The strange thing is that other menu buttons do work, like mirror horizontal, sharpening etc.

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