Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#112 B3 mouse click on white space should fail without error message Gregg Young defect minor 3.06 fixed
#33 Convert fm/2 build sytem to Open Watcom stevenhl,gyoung task major 3.06 fixed
#113 Create a CheckWinOwner to determine FM2 windows (PID) and optionally thread Gregg Young defect major 3.06 fixed
#120 Document 4os2 handling of global.exe as related to its internal global command Gregg Young task minor fixed
#121 Document open watcom change in readme and inf Gregg Young task critical fixed
#128 Enviroment check for WORKPLACE_PROCESS isn't processed correctly Gregg Young defect major 3.06 fixed
#119 Fix crash on drag from nonFM2 source Gregg Young defect critical 3.06 fixed
#117 Quicklist drives box does not show all drives Gregg Young defect blocker 3.06 fixed
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