Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#223 Compare directories crashes when directory scanned contains a name the exceeds maxpath Gregg Young defect minor 3.10 fixed
#227 Add "State at last FM/2 close" to the State combo box John Small enhancement minor 3.10 fixed
#234 Change default directory container ini keys to use Dircnr prefix eleminate the bare keys task minor 3.10 duplicate
#239 Show subject setting is being forgotten/ignored John Small defect minor 3.10 fixed
#213 Add Fortify support to FM/2 enhancement minor 3.11 fixed
#233 Find and update any remaining hard coded command line lengths Gregg Young task minor 3.11 fixed
#235 Multidot filename association defect minor 3.11 fixed
#237 Subject column always included in new directory container independent of settings Gregg Young defect minor 3.11 fixed
#238 Create unload functions for archivers, associations etc for fortify builds to make actual leaks easier to see Gregg Young task minor 3.11 fixed
#240 Create a wrapper for fortify_leavescope that unloads all the archivers, commands, etc Gregg Young defect minor 3.11 fixed
#241 MLE editor opens file instaed of newviewer when file is opened by seleting view text in dircnr menu Gregg Young defect minor 3.11 fixed
#243 Directory sizes traps intermittently Gregg Young defect minor 3.11 fixed
#43 Allow "delete" to be move to trashcan Gregg Young enhancement minor fixed
#103 Multiple directory containers don't maintain window order on reopening. John Small defect minor fixed
#230 Fix/improve coding relating to various "state"/presparam INI keys John Small enhancement minor fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.