Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 527)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#73 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Add no stats drive flag

When using netdrives with a single drive letter for multiple remote drives the stats it provides are meaningless. This flag will allow the stats to be replaced by a statement to that effect

#74 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Cleanup DOROT13 macro in MLE.c

mle.c(299:12) : informational EDC0424: The condition is always true. mle.c(299:12) : informational EDC0425: The condition is always false.

*p = DOROT13(*p); fixme condition both true and false?

this a case of silly code that has been there forever. The fixme is mine, added as a note to remove the silliness someday. Mark's code near line 37 reads

#define FAKEROT 1 #define DOROT13(c) ((FAKEROT==0)?(c):(FAKEROT==1)?etc...

This should be rewritten

#define FAKEROT 1 Set to 1 or 0 !if FAKEROT == 0 #define DOROT13(c) alogo1... #else #define DOROT13(c) alogo2... #endif

#79 Steven Levine Steven Levine fixed collector intermittently loses "working" status message

While displaying progress messages, the collector will intermittently lose the "working" status indicator. This can be disconcerting when doing a long running collect action. If would be good if the indicator was refreshed if there has been no visible process for some period of time. Five seconds is probably a good number. This is probably best iplemented with a WM_TIMER mesasge.

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