Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#78 closed defect (fixed)

FAT32 does not work on Warp 4 FP 15

Reported by: BlondeGuy Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Future
Component: IFS Version:
Severity: medium Keywords:


On an older computer running Warp 4 FP 15, FAT32 does not give access to files on a USB stick formatted FAT32. Instead, the drive is not ready.

There is one USB 1.1 controller on the system.

More information about the system available on request. What would help to find out why this is not working?

Change History (7)

comment:1 by BlondeGuy, 6 years ago

FAT32 Driver version 5.0.0 from Arca Noae Drivers and Software

comment:2 by Valery V. Sedletski, 6 years ago

BlondeGuy hi. I'm sorry, ArcaNoae version is supported by ArcaNoae on their site. Unfortunately, they don't pay me to support their version, and I don't know what they could change in the driver. So, please test official driver from Netlabs site, if you want me to debug it.

Fortunately, I have a Merlin + FP15 VirtualBox VM. Just tested a 10 GB FAT32 disk image, it mounts without any problems in FP15 (and with non-fixed Merlin 9.023 too, though Unicode to codepages conversion not working, and all national filenames changes to subscripts. But otherwise, it works.). Did not tried flash sticks, though, but they should work, in theory.

Does your stick have an LVM info assigned? If not, you should assign it explicitly. Or, maybe, your stick is dirty? From some version, if file system is dirty, it is not mounted readonly, as previously. It just gives an "File system is not clean" error (like HPFS/JFS), until you check it with CHKDSK, or make clean with f32stat utility. Did you tried to CHKDSK it, or just make it clean forcibly?

To make file system clean forcibly, you need to issue the following command:

f32stat w: /clean

where w: is your file system drive letter.

Last edited 6 years ago by Valery V. Sedletski (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by BlondeGuy, 6 years ago

Yes, the LVM info is defined. The stick was prepared on a modern system (don't remember if eCS or ArcaOS).

But the test system is Warp 4 FP 15, so it does not have LVM. I don't even know how it can find a newly inserted USB stick, but it does.

I'll try to get the exact error message. The test system is remote, and has no network card.

I'll also try with the Netlabs driver.

Thanks for letting me know you tested with Warp 4.

comment:4 by Valery V. Sedletski, 6 years ago

But the test system is Warp 4 FP 15, so it does not have LVM. I don't even know how it can find a newly inserted USB stick, but it does.

Ah, no LVM. Then no "lvm /rediscoverprm" command is available. But there is a workaround. You can try starting utilities like DFSee or fdisk when the stick is inserted. Or try starting FC/2 with drive selection dialog. It seems, FC/2 calls DosQueryFSInfo on that drive, and this issues mount request on the drive, so it may be mounted, as a side effect. Also, I recommend installing danidasd.dmd instead of Merlin version of os2dasd. It recognises FAT32 partition types and assigns it a drive letter.

Also, you can install os2dasd.dmd/os2lvm.dmd from a newer system -- it should work. And Install lvm.exe, so, you'll be able to refresh removable media with lvm /rediscoverprm.

Anyway, I tested the setup with danidasd.dmd and no LVM/DASD32 installed on my bootable flash stick, it works fine. The problem may be with refreshing removable media, as lvm.exe is missing, But there are workarounds, as I mentioned above. Another workaround is to have the stick inserted on boot. This could help mounting it.

Last edited 6 years ago by Valery V. Sedletski (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by BlondeGuy, 6 years ago

I got the DaniDASD.DMD installed, and access to files works now. I had forgotten how important DaniDASD is for Warp 4. You may mark this bug resolved.

comment:6 by Valery V. Sedletski, 6 years ago

Ok, good. So, I'll close the ticket.

comment:7 by Valery V. Sedletski, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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