Opened 14 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#12 closed enhancement (fixed)

chkdsk processing during bootup needs to be changed

Reported by: warpuser Owned by: somebody
Priority: Feedback Pending Milestone: GA
Component: IFS Version: 1.0
Severity: highest Keywords: fat32 boot


We now run into a problem that due other developments to be able to boot from a FAT32 drive. All is working ok till the volume is in dirty state, unlike hpfs, jfs, and others the fat32.ifs driver wont run chkdsk to have a clean state after it. The job to run chkdsk is made by the cachef32 later in the boot process, however in this stage it will run into a "SYS0108 drive is locked by another process" ... so there is no way to have a clean drive in this situation. chkdsk handling needs to be moved to the ifs driver.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Valery V. Sedletski, 9 years ago

Severity: highest

With, the support for autochecking of fat32 on IFS init is added. The problem was that CHKDSK called some ioctl and fsctl functions in fat32.ifs during the disk checking. So, I needed to port the called code from the IFS to chkdsk, to be called locally. This is done. Now CHKDSK is successfully called from IFS init. Also, added /autocheck or /ac switch to fat32.ifs. As it is with HPFS and JFS, this specifies the list of disks to be checked on init.

comment:2 by diver, 8 years ago

Milestone: GA

is this completely done now?

comment:3 by Valery V. Sedletski, 8 years ago

This is mostly works with ​, but I see sometimes it checks some disks almost at each reboot, and some disks are not checked, even after traps. Something with dirty flag setting?

comment:4 by Valery V. Sedletski, 8 years ago

Updated the binaries again, the link is at

comment:5 by diver, 8 years ago

Priority: majorFeedback Pending

comment:6 by diver, 8 years ago

goes along with #27?

comment:7 by Valery V. Sedletski, 8 years ago

Now chkdsk is run from the IFS routine, and seems to work as expected, so closing the ticket.

comment:8 by Valery V. Sedletski, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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