Custom Query (12 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#81 Fat32 ver. fat32-0.10-r384-os2.wpi isn't permitted to rename e/o delete files new defect major Future
#80 Traps with (rather rare) IBM ThinkPad 600X assigned martini defect trivial GA
#75 SVN r359 and r340 Cannot sort dBase file assigned martini defect major Future
#73 SVN rev 354: formatting of FAT16 media via GUI (PMFORMAT) hangs assigned martini defect major Future
#71 FSH_DOVOLIO blocks on I/O errors with SSD's or USB flash sticks assigned Valery V. Sedletski defect major Future
#68 CHKDSK failures assigned martini defect major Future
#64 SVN rev 325: Trap D on booting to a commandline and running "lvm /rediscoverprm" assigned Valery V. Sedletski defect major Future
#55 Files without eas show an ea size of 128 bytes and without the /eas switch all files show ea size as 128 assigned Valery V. Sedletski defect minor Future
#38 Splitting large files to 4 GB pieces assigned Valery V. Sedletski enhancement minor Future
#17 Trap d in dumpfs assigned martini defect Feedback Pending Future
#13 Ability to create and work with files of up to 4 Gb in size assigned Valery V. Sedletski defect major Future
#7 Increase cache size assigned Valery V. Sedletski enhancement minor Future
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