Custom Query (581 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 581)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#500 fixed TrapE starting ACPIDaemon ecsnl David McKenna

I had to replace the motherboard on a working eCS 2.0 system (using the ACPIPollingFull drivers) with a MSI H55M-E33 model with Intel Core i3 CPU and 4GB DDR3 RAM.

Every time I tried to boot I would get a TrapE shortly after the desktop appeared. I determined that it was ACPIDaemon (in the startup folder) that was causing this. By not starting ACPIDaemon, I am able to boot with either ACPI.PSD /Q, ACPI.PSD /SMP /Q, or ACPI.PSD /SMP /APIC /Q. I prefer ACPI.PSD /SMP /Q so that I can use WinOS/2.

I will upload logs and a screen shot of the TrapE.

#499 fixed Enable Quiet Boot /Q eco martini

Once the system it is stable it is not required to see on each boot:

"Processors Initialized: X Integrated ACPI Support....

Allow an optional /Q to do not show that message at startup.

#498 fixed Asus M4A87TD + acpi v3.19CR4 = AcpiOsSignalSemaphore BAD David Azarewicz kmarjerison

Both 3.18 and 3.19 partially work(SMP but no APIC), but not with uniaud driver. acpica$ is mostly full of AcpiOsSignalSemaphore? BAD statements and not much else.

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