Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#2 new enhancement

Some planed small changes

Reported by: Batchheizer Owned by: somebody
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: component1 Version:
Severity: blocker Keywords:


  1. Make TAME "Scanning..." window NOT float on top. Why? Who in the world will look for the progress of the scanner while he checks his mails or writes in OpenOffice? Who wants to look for the progress can watch the window, but the other users should not be forced to watch this window.
  2. Make TAME open the IMAGE-folder in the TAME-install-dir and not the WPS-Image-Folder with the shadows. This folder may be a normal folder or a MMFolder. Maybe the WPI will ask the user, what folder he prefers. Why: I think most users will work on the images-files (copy, rename, move) and not on the image-shadows. Also there other good preview-options (WPS-Wizzard, PNG-Desktop) for normal folders.
  3. Use tiff2pdf instead of tiff2ps with GS. Now we have a fine program (tiff2.exe) to perform this option much easier than tiff2ps and GS. Therefore has to be removed all GS and tiff2ps code and therefore added (a much easier) code for tiff2pdf.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by jep, 13 years ago

  1. Doable
  2. The installer has to set the <wps_name> so that it can be opened. The code has to be modified in several places. I'll check to see if I can code it so that it handle it gracefully if not set.
  3. Not as straight forward as the faxviewer rely on tiff2ps and ghostscript to convert the images to the tiffg3 format. adf (multi page support) also use tiff2ps.
Last edited 13 years ago by jep (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Batchheizer, 13 years ago

  1. For sending a FAX with TAME the build-in FAXWorks of eCS should be used. Therefore the file has only to be send to the "fxprint"-Printer-Driver. I think FAXview does not created better faxes. If Faxview is used for printing and needs a tiffg3, we could use nconvert (option -c 6) to create such a file. So I see no need for tiff2ps and GS in a SCAN-application.
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