wiki:QT5 Application

Miscellaneous applications

Below is a list of all known Qt5 applications that are available for OS/2, ArcaOS and eCS. Either maintained here or in the original code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
BiblioteQ2023-10-16DownloadBiblioteQ strives to be a professional cataloging and library management suite, utilizing a Qt interface and providing connectivity to PostgreSQL and SQLite. (2)BiblioteQQt v5.15.2
DjView44.12DownloadA DjVu file viewer.DjView4Qt v5.15.2
Fleeting Password Manager 2.9.0 DownloadFleeting Password Manager generate and manage passwords for given url/id and user name. fleetingpmQt v5.15.2
HolyServices1.0.0.38DownloadCalendar-like planning of holy services for small parishes, connection to iCal supporting time-organizers.HolyservicesQt v5.15.2
luckyBackup0.5.0DownloadA powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync tool.luckyBackupQt v5.15.2
Synkron1.6.3-1DownloadA free, powerful directory synchronizing tool with many options.SynkronQt v5.15.2
Terminal Finances1.0.07ZThis software is suitable for those who want to have control of their personal accounts in an easy and simple way.Terminal FinancesQt v5.15.2


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

2 - Update available in a higher Qt version.

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Last modified 16 months ago Last modified on Nov 23, 2023, 8:27:13 PM
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