Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 301)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#249 Qt Creator not painting it's main window interior defect major Qt 4.7 QtGui
#250 Update to 5.x task major Qt 5 General
#254 QDir::cleanPath not working correctly defect major Qt 4.7 QtCore
#255 QtCreator ZIP lacks QML components defect major General
#256 Unable to install qt4-devel-kit or qt4-demos packages using YUM defect major Qt Enhanced General
#257 Systray doesn't work anymore defect major Qt Enhanced xsystray
#258 Use qt4 as the root directory rather than qt4-<version of qt> enhancement major Qt Enhanced General
#263 qt4-linguist, help does not work defect major Qt Enhanced Demo Apps
#265 REXX errro in runmapsym defect major Qt Enhanced General
#266 waitForFinished() doesn't work defect major Qt 5 General
#267 SSL verification fails defect major Qt 4.7.3 GA2 QtNetwork
#270 QT_BUILD_KEY contains unnecessary flags defect major General
#272 Flash for Qt broser defect major Qt Enhanced General
#273 Error when building Tea defect major Qt Enhanced General
#274 Qt FileDialog locks up machine with Core 2 Quad, but works with Core 2 Duo defect major Qt 5 General
#276 Port QtMultimedia module enhancement major General
#278 Qwidget setWinIcon() defect major Qt 5 QtGui
#280 An activated window is placed behind a deactivated window defect major Qt 5 QtGui
#281 QT Creator refuse to start defect major Qt 4.7.3 GA2 General
#282 QDIR problem defect major Qt 4.7.3 GA2 General
#283 Make Qt completely highmem-compatible defect major Qt 5 General
#284 Add support for symlinks in QFileDialog defect major Qt 4.7.3 GA2 General
#285 Characterset Problems defect major Qt Enhanced General
#286 Qt Creator startup hangs giving 100% CPU load defect major Qt 4.7.3 GA2 General
#287 Drive letter is removed in a file dialog Silvan Scherrer defect major Qt 5 QtGui
#288 Implement WM_QUERYCONVERTPOS defect major Qt 5 QtGui
#289 Fix plugin load failures defect major Qt 5 General
#294 QtDBus task major Qt Enhanced General
#295 More and more newer qt4 applications do not work defect major Qt Enhanced General
#297 icon corruption defect major General
#298 QFileSystemModel::directoryLoaded() signal passes a drive root as x: not x:/ defect major Qt 5 General
#299 QLocalSever defect major General
#300 YUM QT4 package does not include updated QTNet4.dll defect major Qt4 4.7.3 rerelease QtNetwork
#301 With Firefox beta 7 no online help from Qtlinguist defect major QtGui
#302 qmake no longer works after yum update defect major Qt Enhanced qmake
#303 convert qmake.conf to have it working in a non cmd shell env enhancement major Qt Enhanced qmake
#304 RPM package libqt4 contains old version of qtnet4.dll defect major Qt Enhanced General
#308 Glyph substutition does not work for certain character sets. defect major General
#310 Debug build configuration looks for nonexistent libraries defect major Qt Enhanced General
#35 Finish QColormap task minor Qt Enhanced QtGui
#64 Port qt3support module task minor Qt Enhanced General
#66 QSysInfo::OS2Ver enhancement minor Qt 4.6.3 QtCore
#72 QProcess cannot start applications of other types directly Dmitry A. Kuminov defect minor Qt Beta 3 QtCore
#75 Add support for lxlite task minor Qt Beta 4 General
#85 QProcess: Support P_SESSION enhancement minor Qt 5 QtCore
#86 File open dialog tries to access drive A: defect minor Qt Beta 5 General
#103 File open dialog accesses all drives upon opening defect minor Qt Beta 5 General
#104 Systray widget display problem defect minor Qt Beta 5 General
#117 Add Sqlite3 backend to Qt enhancement minor Qt GA General
#120 Nokia task minor Qt Enhanced General
#128 "lib" WPI package doesn't install on systems with no XWorkplace installed defect minor Qt 4.6.2 General
#139 Enable drive icons enhancement minor Qt Enhanced QtGui
#150 MOC output on "No relevant classes found" defect minor Qt Enhanced Tools
#152 Apply performance options task minor Qt 4.6.2 General
#153 Remove the need of GCC422.DLL defect minor Qt Enhanced General
#174 DIVE mode not always disabled on Panorama defect minor Qt 4.6.3 QtGui
#175 Fix WebKit useragent string defect minor Qt 4.6.3 General
#189 Inconsitent behavior of QWebSettings::(set)iconDatabasePath() task minor Qt Enhanced General
#193 Reconsider usage of native file dialogs enhancement minor Qt Enhanced QtGui
#195 Automated installation via WIC is disabled defect minor Qt Enhanced General
#197 Allow developers to build documentation enhancement minor Qt 4.7 Tools
#201 QSystemTrayIcon::setIcon(QIcon) ignored if QIcon is an empty icon defect minor Qt 4.7 xsystray
#203 Corruption of VLC window defect minor Qt 4.7 QtGui
#208 Avoid calling lxlite for pseudo target defect minor Qt 4.7 General
#209 xCenter widget and "Always on top" defect minor Qt Enhanced QtGui
#213 UIC hogs CPU defect minor Qt Enhanced Tools
#215 Use mouse button that is configured in OS/2 / eCS for drag and drop (right mouse button by default) defect minor Qt 4.7 General
#217 QMake delivers mixed separators defect minor Qt Enhanced qmake
#219 Fix path separator when building qdoc3 defect minor Qt 4.7 General
#224 Sound support task minor Qt 4.7 QtCore
#230 Avoid quoting of make variables/macros defect minor Qt 4.7 qmake
#237 Provide standard icons in higher resolutions task minor Qt 4.7 QtGui
#248 Avoid Lxlite warning when building QMake defect minor Qt 4.7 General
#252 Invokinga Qt App switches keyboard from german to US defect minor Qt 5 General
#253 Warp4 Style enhancement minor Qt Enhanced QtGui
#261 Provide private headers enhancement minor General
#275 Qt 4.7.3 yum install as the preferred method defect minor Qt 5 General
#277 enhance QsysInfo defect minor Qt 5 General
#279 Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint support defect minor Qt 5 QtGui
#293 Inconsistent left mouse button behavior in all Qt apps with SNAP and animated pointers Lewisr defect minor Qt Enhanced QtGui
#306 PNG-format application icon renders badly defect minor Qt 5 QtGui
#307 qtconcurrentfilter.h generates -Wunused-local-typedefs warning when compiling with GCC 4.9.2 defect minor Qt 5 General
#309 Provide i686 and pentium4 builds of Qt4 libraries enhancement minor Qt 5 General
#81 Error defect trivial Qt Enhanced General
#82 add support for wrc enhancement trivial qmake
#93 ASSERT defect trivial Qt Beta 5 QtGui
#188 DragText support for Qt enhancement trivial General
#226 Make QMLViewer help output a window defect trivial Qt 4.7 General
#247 Minor readme corrections defect trivial Qt 4.7 General
#259 Entry in qmake created *.pro causes Warning defect trivial Qt Enhanced qmake
#262 qt4-linguist package should have dependency to qt assistant defect trivial Qt Enhanced rpm package
#269 Missing files with YUM task trivial Qt Enhanced rpm package
#305 Application icon is unavailable in (e.g.) MessageBox::about() when ICO is used. defect trivial Qt 5 General
#202 Use System Tray instead of Extended System Tray enhancement Feedback Pending Qt 4.7 xsystray
#227 Debug verison of QMake used after bootstrap defect Feedback Pending Qt 4.7 General
#260 Garbage in /usr/share/man task Feedback Pending Qt Enhanced rpm package
#264 smplayer 'hangs' on exit defect Feedback Pending Qt Enhanced General
#268 file selection doesn't always work defect Feedback Pending Qt Enhanced General
#271 Mozilla plugin support enhancement Feedback Pending Qt Enhanced General
#290 QProcess defect Feedback Pending Qt Enhanced General
1 2 3 4
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