wpa_supplicant ¶
wpa_supplicant for OS/2 (ArcaOS, eCS) is used by XWLAN / WLANSTAT for connecting to WPA secured networks
Building Instructions ¶
- checkout from here - https://bitbucket.org/Andi_B/os-2-wpa_supplicant/src/master/ (older versions are here "svn co http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/ports/wpa_supplicant/trunk")
- as a requirement you need:
- libc066.dll (yum install libc)
- libcx0.dll (yum install libcx)
- ssl10.dll (yum install openssl-libs)
- crypt010.dll (yum install openssl-libs)
- gcc1.dll (yum install libgcc1)
- 32 bit TCP/IP stack
- ???? tbd.
- to build wpa_supplicant you need gcc. For 'wpa_supplicant v2.7 (OS/2)' gcc v4.7.3 is used (yum install gcc). But other versions will work too.
- tbd.
- run make
Historie ¶
- 20181203 Release v2.7. All changes from official v2.7 as released yesterday are merged in. This is a -lcx build. Thanks BWW for the build environment.
- 20180915 uploaded another testbuild. pmprintf.dll dependency removed. Now wpa_supplicant uses pmprintf when it finds the dll on your system. But it should run fine even if pmprintf.dll is not installed.
- 20180910 new testbuild uploaded at bitbucket https://bitbucket.org/Andi_B/os-2-wpa_supplicant/downloads/. Based on official development tree from September 2018. Attention - this debug build needs pmprintf.dll somewhere in your libpath. Otherwise I think this build is pretty close to GA quality.
- 20180429 there is a test build of wpa_supplicant based on latest v2.7 code here https://bitbucket.org/Andi_B/os-2-wpa_supplicant/downloads/. Beside a lot of other improvements this build includes the fix for KRACK. There is also included a QT frontend (wpa_gui.exe) which can be used as standalone frontend for wpa_supplicant. You can use it to connect to wireless networks without the need of xwlan/wlanstat. Useful for testing when you have problems setting up xwlan. wpa_gui does not set up the interfaces (starting dhcp client, resolving IP address conflicts, ...). But it can scan for surrounding networks and can establish a connection with even the most exotic security settings. Of course you need a wireless adapter which is supported by genmac.
- version 2.2 (eCS-v1) added at xx.xx.2014
Reporting Bugs ¶
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6 years ago
Last modified on Dec 3, 2018, 10:07:36 PM
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