Opened 12 years ago

#5 new defect

Combobox DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT event order

Reported by: bsmith Owned by: bsmith
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GTK3+ Version: 2.3
Keywords: Cc:


After doing some testing I have found that the DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT event fires at different times on different platforms:

Mac, Windows, GTK2:

Fires before changing the entryfield text.

OS/2, GTK3:

Fires after changing the entryfield text.


I kind of expect it to fire *before* the entryfield changes, because you can get the new text with the dw_listbox_get_text() function and the parameter passed to the signal handler.

After looking into the issue more thoroughly, I can see a path to fixing the behavior on OS/2 but currently the GTK3 code seems unfixable without making changes to GTK itself. The signal is only emitted after the change is made, and there are no other signals we can trap to save the text before the selection changes.

Opening this ticket so I don't forget about the issue and to track future developments.

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