Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#589 closed defect (fixed)

Firefox behaves strange after resume

Reported by: diver Owned by: David Azarewicz
Priority: major Milestone: Feedback pending
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.22.02
Keywords: suspend resume Cc: steve53@…


On my TP R60 i see the following after resume: The spinbutton (the one which circles when Firefox loads a page) behaves more than strange. It spins, stops, then spins very fast. And Firefox itself is not behaving as it does after a normal boot.

The rest of the System behaves ok, as i can compile, Chat via PSI, open PDF without problems.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Steven Levine, 12 years ago

Cc: steve53@… added

Does restarting Firefox resolve the issue?

What are the results of the JavaScript testcase

which you posted elsewhere.

FWIW, prior comments on this issue can be found at

comment:2 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

This appears to be a result of the known problem restarting the hires timer after suspend. I am looking into a satisfactory solution. Until then, the already known workarounds are available.

  1. Don't suspend the system. Suspend and resume is unsupported at this time due to the known issues with it.
  1. If you want to use suspend, then use SET NSPR_OS2_NO_HIRES_TIMER=1

comment:3 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Keywords: suspend resume added
Milestone: Release 3.22
Owner: set to David Azarewicz
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by diver, 12 years ago

@Steven no restarting Firefox does not help

@David i know the workarounds, but i wanted to let you know about the bug/feature.

comment:5 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Milestone: Release 3.22Feedback pending

Waiting for a response to the fix that was provided privately on 03-Sep-2013.

comment:6 by diver, 11 years ago

this test will probably take a bit longer, as i don't have the TP R60 anymore on a daily base. And on my TP 510 suspend works, but resume doesn't. I try to test it with the TP R60 when time permits.

comment:7 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in changeset 512 to be released in version 3.22.03

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