Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#260 new enhancement

New utility: Fn daemon

Reported by: eco Owned by: acpi-admin
Priority: major Milestone: Release 4.00
Component: Utilities Version: 3.09
Keywords: Cc:


It is offered to implement/try to implement utility & driver during 2008/07/week 2

The utility should be free for use, as separate .exe or acpi daemon thread or crc plugin.

There are tickets related to Fn, linuxes don't have problems with monitor switching, so no barriers to implement this for eComStation.

Users collected links useful(?) for this topic:

Arguments, why this topic is important?

1) Notebook is used for presentations very often. Without Fn support - no presentations.

2) This opens the door for future addons.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by eco, 17 years ago


there are utilities: GetNotify and Embedded.exe to catch the events.


OK, but this doesn't solve the problem of monitor switch.

comment:2 by eco, 17 years ago

we can catch the event => then we should notify the videodriver to change the monitor.

  • SNAP - not supported
  • Panorama VESA - VESA standard doesn't allow switch the output.

What to do?

comment:3 by jojo, 17 years ago

Isn't the switching of output port something that is handled by the BIOS/system itself? Or do you override that when ACPI is used?

On my 'old' ThinkPad this just works, independent of running OS.

comment:4 by eco, 16 years ago


e-co asked LightElf to re-init video-bios when user presses Fn+F7 (switch to external monitor)

LightElf, 20080801

а если выполнить инициализацию видеобиоса?

  • во-первых. можно ли это делать

ну поипавшись все можно...

  • и есть ли шансы, что адаптер найдет внешний монитор?

а это пес его знает. Ну найдет он - и чего? Один фиг любой порядочный ноут начинает жизнь на панели, в крайнем случае - включает режим клонирования. Чем это поможет?

comment:5 by pasha, 16 years ago

Fn key is't problem of acpi.psd/apm.add/AcpiDaemon.exe

comment:6 by Steven Levine, 16 years ago

Component: ACPI.PSDACPI utilities
Milestone: Release version 3.15eCS 2.x
Owner: pasha removed
Type: defectenhancement

comment:7 by pasha, 16 years ago

Owner: set to acpi-admin

comment:8 by David Azarewicz, 12 years ago

Milestone: eCS 2.xRelease Version 4.0.0
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