Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#21 closed defect (fixed)

My CPU gets too hot

Reported by: Eugene Gorbunoff Owned by: pasha
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.0
Keywords: Cc:


  • From: Axel

After so much news about the ACPI stuff you're working on and even Dani going that way I finally decided to give it a try and test it.

Now I have to learn that ACPI powersaving cannot be used under plain Warp "Please upgrade the operating system...."). :-((((((((

My main system I have installed around 2000 and upgraded it and worked on it ever since. I bought ECS and software subscription to support the future of OS/2 nevertheless (and will buy every future release, no question) - but I'm still working on Warp4 with uncountable changes and manual upgrades. I invested equally uncountable hours in it. Until now I had no reason to reinstall my complete system yet, without having to do without all the new functionality, cause it always worked on Warp too! Most important I don't use LVM - and like it that way a lot - with ECS that wouldn't work!

I might go for a fresh install of my system one day - and then it will be ECS of course - but for that I will have to have at least one or two weaks of spare-time, fulltime, which I just don't have right now with two kids aged 2 and 4.

So - is there *ANY* way I can run acpidaemon on my OS/2 system? ACPI works absolutely fine right now - but since VIAAPM doesn't work with ACPI anymore, my CPU just gets too hot - so I will have to give up on ACPI :-( .

Change History (2)

comment:1 by anonymous, 18 years ago

OK, you need POPA to reduce the temperature.

Q: The chipset of my computer: XXXXXX, does POPA work on my computer? A: Throttling depends on CPU. Current version of POPA supports Intel CPUs only.

comment:2 by pasha, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

You can use patched kernel and ExtraHLT options in acpid.cfg

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