Opened 14 months ago

Closed 3 weeks ago

#9 closed defect (fixed)

Prevent nested refreshes

Reported by: erdmann Owned by: rlwalsh
Priority: major Milestone: milestone1
Component: component1 Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc:


Version 1.0.16:

Refreshing an open folder multiple times will lead to nested invocations of "wpRefresh" that compete with each other (and starting multiple refresh threads).

I suggest this change, so that "wpRefresh" will not be called nested (src\classes\xfldr.c):

SOM_Scope BOOL  SOMLINK xf_wpRefresh(XFolder *somSelf,
                                     ULONG ulView,
                                     PVOID pReserved)
    BOOL        rc;
    ULONG fFlags;

    // XFolderData *somThis = XFolderGetData(somSelf);

    fFlags = _wpQueryFldrFlags(somSelf);

       return FALSE;


    rc = XFolder_parent_WPFolder_wpRefresh(somSelf, ulView, pReserved);

                               2);           // update


   _wpModifyFldrFlags(somSelf, FOI_REFRESHINPROGRESS,0);

    return rc;

It might also be better to move the "_wpModifyFldrFlags(somSelf, FOI_REFRESHINPROGRESS,0);" call to the window function invoked by "xthrPostWorkerMsg" (src\filesys\xthreads.c):

MRESULT EXPENTRY fnwpWorkerObject(HWND hwndObject, ULONG msg, MPARAM 
mp1, MPARAM mp2)
    MRESULT mrc = NULL;

    switch (msg)
            XFolder     *pFolder = NULL,
                        *pCalling = (XFolder*)(mp1);

            for ( pFolder = _wpclsQueryOpenFolders(_WPFolder, NULL, QC_FIRST, FALSE);
                  pFolder = _wpclsQueryOpenFolders(_WPFolder, pFolder, QC_NEXT, FALSE))
                if (    (wpshCheckObject(pFolder))
                     && (_somIsA(pFolder, _WPFolder))
                    if (    (!pCalling)
                         || (wpshResidesBelow(pFolder, pCalling))
                        // folder applies:
                        fdrUpdateAllFrameWindows(pFolder, (ULONG)mp2);
            if (pCalling)

Change History (3)

comment:1 by erdmann, 14 months ago

Version: 1.0

comment:2 by rlwalsh, 14 months ago

Owner: set to rlwalsh
Status: newaccepted

Setting FOI_REFRESHINPROGRESS before calling wpRefresh() would prevent that method from doing anything. Instead, I have designated an unused bit in the folder flags as the XWP_REFRESHINPROGRESS flag. It is set immediately before a separate thread is spun-off to invoke wpRefresh, and is cleared just before that thread terminates.

In my testing, it works as intended and prevents multiple concurrent refreshes for the same folder. This fix will appear in v1.0.17.

comment:3 by erdmann, 3 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

I can confirm that this bug is now fixed with Version 1.0.17, thank you. This ticket can be closed.

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