
Version 2 (modified by Franz, 18 years ago) (diff)


To build the beast you need:

  • OS2-Tookit (included in eCS)
  • VA365 (only for Mozilla-Helper-DLL) (maybe another icc also works)
    (if you don't have icc or don't want/need to build npwv.dll comment out
       cd ..\np

from trunk\gui\makefile)

  • nmake.exe, implib.exe
    • You have to have it after os2 toolkit is installed

All these packages have to be installed properly before you continue

Now you have all you need (If I've forgotten something, let me know)

  • get/update the latest svn-sources for WarpVision? from netlabs using

Get_WarpVision_Trunk_Source.cmd(for example)

fbakan@… Timestamp?

P.S. The RC.exe confirmed to work is
Version 4.00.010 Apr 26 1999 [88045 bytes, 30.06.99]
(Sorry, I don't remember where I got it)