Custom Query (101 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 101)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#30 anonymous madodel fixed When trying to play DVD "css read error. rc = 30"

Commercial (encrypted) DVD does not play. WVgui 1.0 RC2, but this has been the case since I tried with this TP42p. Appears to be a problem with CSS. DVDCSS.DLL dated 2005-11-18 and file size 21,377 (the one that came with RC2) and only version is located in the WVGUI directory.

Log shows:

set APM state 0 returns 4
cycles: 1
t: 0.034914, t1: 0.033174
CPU Freq: 599176164 Hz
Current codepage: 850 (IBM-850)
pipe [\PIPE\WV] open error: 3
pipe 5 opened
CD popup thread started
Built: 14 Feb 2006
OS/2 minor revision: 45
SSaver support inited
found 2 Video Out plugins
found 4 audio plugins
found 1 TV Out plugins
will play [S:]
Detected UDF. DVD title: 0
nr of ts: 4
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 03:21:15.03
Play back time: 00:00:15.00
Play back time: 00:00:15.00
Play back time: 00:00:09.00
Play back time: 00:00:09.00
Play back time: 00:00:09.00
Play back time: 00:00:49.07
max title: 1, time 12075100
There are 16 titles on this DVD.
There are 25 chapters in this DVD title.
There are 1 angles in this DVD title.
DVD successfully opened.
[DVD] audio stream: 0 audio format: ac3 (stereo) language: en aid: 128
[DVD] number of audio channels on disk: 1.
[DVD] subtitle ( sid ): 0 language: en
[DVD] number of subtitles on disk: 1
dvd cache uses fast memcopy routines
css read error. rc = 30
Waiting for Playing
Waiting for Playing
Waiting for Playing

#31 anonymous ygk@… fixed Mozilla plugin opens wvgui but closes when download of movie starts

The mozilla plugin not working. I have registered warpvision. When I try to open a mpeg or avi file from the web I get the dump below (I have the entire dump). Using plugin from RC2.

The movie runs from commandline (very choppy but it runs) Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp 4.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060212 MultiZilla/ SeaMonkey/1.0

Current slot number: 00d0

Slot Pid Ppid Csid Ord Sta Pri pTSD pPTDA pTCB Disp SG

Name *00d0# 00f9 0024 00f9 0001 run 081f f98a5000 fa160240 f9ffc078 0af8 11 VIDEO2

eax=000001b4 ebx=fff80007 ecx=00000000 edx=00000001 esi=0065f110 edi=00000000 eip=13fb3257 esp=0065f0d0 ebp=0065f158 iopl=3 -- -- -- nv up ei pl nz na po nc cs=005b ss=0053 ds=0053 es=0053 fs=150b gs=0000 cr2=00000000 cr3=00000000 005b:13fb3257 89c3 mov ebx,eax #

#33 anonymous shost fixed wvgui rc2 bugs and gluks

tvin зеленый с точками (как было в самой первой версии твин ввгуи, я тебе про то писал тогда и ты после починил)

оверлей то верни, без него худо же

не работает никакой фильтр в построцессинге, посему фильм двд полосатые при движение, мраки

ra это: .ra¤....ra4.ЭИ ....M....Э8 .╙н.╙н..... +....Int0dn et.. It's time Victor Tsoy..w Є

не играется, ругань что не может такое оно у тебя то играет в разн версиях, то нет

ну и мов


со страшным шумообразным звуком хотя у ffdplay осевого - нормальный звук на нем

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