Opened 16 years ago

#20 new enhancement

Improve storage of speaker and location information

Reported by: Christian Hennecke Owned by: amp4ecs
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: BE Data input Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Currently, information about speakers and the location is stored in a wse_events specific record. It would be nice if this data were available elsewhere, especially in an address database of people and locations that future event teams can use, and also for the events calendar. That would reduce redundancy and make maintaining the information a lot easier.

The calendar extension cal offers three ways of storing its location and organizer information:

  1. In its own record format
  2. In tt_address records
  3. In partners records

In addition, the user authentification is also able to store information about FE users:

  1. In its own record format
  2. In tt_address records

So I think storing stuff in tt_address could greatly improve things.

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