Custom Query (15 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 15)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#19 cinc guest fixed Trap cwfolder.c, around line 276 while calling function #12.

I installed WPSWizard V0.6.0 and updated with 6.1.a1, I get these in the log file:

Thread slot 79 , Id 1 , priority 0x200 Stack Bottom : 073A1000 (073A:1000) ;Stack Top : 074A0000 (074A:0000) Process Id : 52 .EXE name : C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE

Trap occured in do_funcWithNewStack, file c/c_class/cwfolder.c, around line 276 while calling function #12. A trap occurred in WPS-Wizard

Exception C0000005 Occurred at Sat Feb 16 21:21:55 2008 Invalid read address 00000000

OS/2 Version 2.45 Failing code module internal name : WPSWIZZ Failing code module file name : C:\WPSWIZARD\WPSWIZZ.DLL Failing code Object # 1 at Offset 13e7a

File Line# Public Symbol

──────────── ────- ────────────-

N/A N/A No auto variables found in .

I have attached the log file.


#21 somebody guest worksforme window display hesitates when moved across edge of another window

When moving a window across the boundary of another window the display hesitates. This happens most of the time but not always. I use SNAP 3.1.8 with a ATI 9250 card on a SMP P4 eCS 2.0 system. The CPU meter does not show a large load when the movement hesitates.

There is no good way to explain this situation so I have used a camcorder to take a shot of the screen. The result is a MPG2 video (112meg) downloadable here:

This issue almost wakes WPS-Wizard unusable on this system.

#23 cinc guest fixed Lost focus of details window

I installed wpswizard-0_6_1a3 (just the dlls). When I open specific drives (details view) and select properties everything works fine. When I close the properties the original drive window never gets focus again. Requires a desktop restart to close window.


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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.