Custom Query (15 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 15)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#12 somebody chennecke fixed Toolbar does not use system colors for button background

The background of icons in the folder toolbar is painted in the OS/2 default grey color. Ideally, this should be the same as the rest of the toolbar. Please see the attached screenshot.

#15 cinc guest fixed Template Oddities

Using eCS 2.0rc4 with WPSWizard 0.6.1a1 and Noia-warm icons.

It appears that the Noia blank template icon is only used if a PNG icon is used on top of the template. If an ICO file is used on a template, then the old style template is shown. I have added PNG icons to all templates I could (can't seem to find the printer icons to change) BUT, there is one exception... the Command File.cmd template. Even though I changed it to a PNG icon (in the 'Properties' notebook on the 'Icon' page), the overlayed icon remains the original (see attached file 'Command Icon.jpg'). This is not a bad thing... I actually like the ability to overlay an ICO on the PNG template icon, but it does not seem consistent.

One other oddity... if I pull off a 'Program' template (which has already been changed to a PNG icon) to a new object, set up the file and path, then give the new program object a new PNG icon, the original 'Program' template icon changes to the icon I just gave the new program object.

#16 somebody guest duplicate Template Oddities

Using eCS 2.0rc4 with WPSWizard 0.6.1a1 and Noia-warm icons.

It appears that the Noia blank template icon is only used if a PNG icon is used on top of the template. If an ICO file is used on a template, then the old style template is shown. I have added PNG icons to all templates I could (can't seem to find the printer icons to change) BUT, there is one exception... the Command File.cmd template. Even though I changed it to a PNG icon (in the 'Properties' notebook on the 'Icon' page), the overlayed icon remains the original (see attached file 'Command Icon.jpg'). This is not a bad thing... I actually like the ability to overlay an ICO on the PNG template icon, but it does not seem consistent.

One other oddity... if I pull off a 'Program' template (which has already been changed to a PNG icon) to a new object, set up the file and path, then give the new program object a new PNG icon, the original 'Program' template icon changes to the icon I just gave the new program object.

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