Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#8 kLIBCum button label issue herwigb defect trivial klusrmgr
#5 Status bar text is unhelpful defect minor klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.3
#6 Consider ability to edit groups enhancement minor klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.3
#1 klibcum 1.0.0 - crash if newly created user is erased without saving defect major klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.3
#2 klibcum 1.0.0 - if user is edited, he will be added another time to primary group defect major klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.0
#3 klibcum 1.0.0 - unsaved changes may be lost if program is closed defect major klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.0
#4 Button text clipped (EN) defect major klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.3
#7 error in _SMBUsersCheck (1.0.9) herwigb defect major klusrmgr kLIBCum 1.0.8
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.