Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Milestone Owner Type Priority
#74 VBoxDrv.sys causes system to fail to boot new defect blocker
#70 BLKCACHE_IOERR on VBOX506, VM stopped with a grayng screen. new defect major
#72 Impossible to change real "HOME" directory new defect major
#64 Resolutions higher than 1400x900 do not work if chosen in the menu new defect minor
#69 Guest screen update does not always work f.i. when Seamonkey was started before VBOX new defect minor
#73 Failed to create the VirtualBoxClient COM object new defect minor
#76 collection of findings with VBOXFS new defect minor
#77 INT 3 in VBOXVMM.DLL new defect minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.