Custom Query (22 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#17 Audio: Failed to attach to driver Valery V. Sedletski defect major Common Tasks fixed
#23 Giving a guest more than 700 MB of RAM consumes lots of shared mem of host defect major Common Tasks invalid
#33 Adapt USB Proxy Service to recent changes Valery V. Sedletski task major Common Tasks fixed
#35 USBCALLS deviation to current USBCALLS.DLL defect major Common Tasks fixed
#41 Async completion API emulation for OS/2 task major Common Tasks fixed
#46 NetIf API support in Main task minor Common Tasks fixed
#51 Extension packs directory lacking \Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack\os2.x86 files rklipp defect major Common Tasks duplicate

Status: new (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#4 merge with official tree task minor Common Tasks
#24 Implement the shared clipboard DLL OS/2-specific code task minor Common Tasks
#25 OS/2 guest additions shared folders IFS task major Common Tasks
#44 Create the OS/2 Audio backend, based on libkai task minor Common Tasks
#45 Write the physical CD/DVD/hdd/floppy capture code task minor Common Tasks
#47 Perfomance API implementation in Main task minor Common Tasks
#48 Make all testcases work task major Common Tasks
#50 Finish the USB Proxy device implementation enhancement minor Common Tasks
#52 Extension packs directory lacking \Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack\os2.x86 files rklipp defect major Common Tasks
#53 Host Serial Port access support enhancement minor Common Tasks
#54 Host Parallel port access support enhancement minor Common Tasks
#55 sdl defect minor Common Tasks
#58 The TAP driver task minor Common Tasks
#59 Suspending the VM hangs often on the semaphore defect major Common Tasks
#67 Vbox should try to use PAE ram over 4GB if possible enhancement minor Driver
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