Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Troubleshooting

Jul 18, 2013, 8:07:53 PM (12 years ago)
David Azarewicz



  • Troubleshooting

    v1 v2  
    77== Capturing A testlog log file ==
    9 Download the testlog log file creator here
     9If you don't already have the current version of testlog.cmd, you can download it here: []
    11 open a command window and execute the testlog command
     11Open a command window and execute the testlog command
    1212   {{{
    1313testlog usb
    1818== Capturing a Startup Trace file ==
    1920A startup trace file is for a problem that occurs on startup, rather than for a problem that occurs after the system has been running for a while.
    2122To create a startup trace file, do the following:
     241) Add the following line to your config.sys:
     282) Add the appropriate "TRACE=ON <trace code>" line to your config.sys.
     29  For USBUHCD.SYS the trace code is 224
     30  For USBOHCD.SYS the trace code is 225
     31  For USBEHCD.SYS the trace code is 226
     32  For example, to trace the USBEHCD.SYS driver you would add the following line:
     34  TRACE=ON 226
     36  To trace both the USBEHCD.SYS driver and the USBUHCD.SYS driver, you would
     37  add the following line:
     39  TRACE=ON 224,226
     41  To trace both the USBEHCD.SYS driver and the USBOHCD.SYS driver, you would
     42  add the following line:
     44  TRACE=ON 225,226
     473) Reboot to enable tracing.
     494) To capture the trace dump, open a command window and type:
     51   TRACEFMT
     53From the file menu choose Save Formatted... and save the trace to a file of your choice.
     555) Attach file you created to your ticket.
    2357== Capturing a Runtime Trace file ==
    2761To create a runtime trace file, do the following:
     631) Add the following line to your config.sys:
     672) Add the appropriate "TRACE=ON <trace code>" line to your config.sys.
     68  For USBUHCD.SYS the trace code is 224
     69  For USBOHCD.SYS the trace code is 225
     70  For USBEHCD.SYS the trace code is 226
     71  For example, to trace the USBEHCD.SYS driver you would add the following line:
     73  TRACE=ON 226
     75  To trace both the USBEHCD.SYS driver and the USBUHCD.SYS driver, you would
     76  add the following line:
     78  TRACE=ON 224,226
     80  To trace both the USBEHCD.SYS driver and the USBOHCD.SYS driver, you would
     81  add the following line:
     83  TRACE=ON 225,226
     863) Reboot to enable tracing.
     884) To capture the trace dump, open a command window and type:
     90   TRACEFMT
     92From the file menu choose Save Formatted... and save the trace to a file of your choice.
     945) Attach file you created to your ticket.
    2996== Creating a Trap Dump ==