Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#82 closed defect (wontfix)

VirtualBox 4.1.38 and usbdrv198

Reported by: KO Myung-Hun Owned by:
Priority: blocker Component: basedrv
Version: 10.198 Keywords:



I'm using usbdrv198 and VirtualBox 4.1.38.

Unfortunately, however, trap occurs in USBEHCD. This does not happen in 4.1.32 and older.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Lars Erdmann, 10 years ago

Can you add a trap screen ?

comment:2 by KO Myung-Hun, 10 years ago

Sorry for late. I didn't get notified.

Anyway, strangely, now trap does not occur on Windows 7 64-bits.

I'll test on Windows 7 32-bits soon, and report the result.

by KO Myung-Hun, 10 years ago

Attachment: usbtrap.png added

Trap screen of USBEHCD

comment:3 by KO Myung-Hun, 10 years ago

I attached the trap screen. This is same for VBox 4.1.36 to 4.1.40. Windows 32-bits host.

comment:4 by Lars Erdmann, 10 years ago

Cant you use a more up to date version? I am using 4.3.28 with the exact same OS/2 kernel and I havent had a trap in a long time. I suspect it is a problem with the virtualization. In particular with properly mapping memory mapped registers. By the way:are you running with little memory?

comment:5 by Lars Erdmann, 10 years ago

By the way: try version 199. You'll find it at Hobbes. See if that makes a difference. If you want email notif you need to add an email addr to the ticket: log in,go to ticket,select "modify" on the header part and select yourself as CC.

Last edited 10 years ago by Lars Erdmann (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Lars Erdmann, 9 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

No response from reporter

comment:7 by Lars Erdmann, 9 years ago

Version: 10.19710.198
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