Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#74 closed defect (fixed)

No mouse with 11.06

Reported by: Leo Koelemij Owned by: David Azarewicz
Priority: major Component: basedrv
Version: 11.06 Keywords:


eCS 2.2 beta II. I installed the warpin file, rebooted and had no mouse. See ataached config.sys and warpin.log

Attachments (7)

config.sys (7.1 KB ) - added by Leo Koelemij 11 years ago.
warpin.log (6.3 KB ) - added by Leo Koelemij 11 years ago. (96.0 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 11 years ago.
rmview.txt (8.4 KB ) - added by Leo Koelemij 11 years ago.
LEO-20140113-usb-11.07.log (36.9 KB ) - added by Leo Koelemij 11 years ago. (95.0 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 11 years ago.
USBHID: on individual client registration DO NOT call client driver to check for service (117.4 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 11 years ago.
reading string descriptor from USBHID, IRQ proc. rework for USBKBD.SYS

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (29)

by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

Attachment: config.sys added

by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

Attachment: warpin.log added

comment:1 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Are you using a KVM switch or are you directly attaching keyboard and mouse to the computer ?

by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:2 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Back up, and in your \os2\boot directory and try SVN_REV1040 instead. These drivers have to be replaced AS A SET !

If you get the system to work at least with a keyboard, please do a: "rmview.exe >rmview.txt" from the command line and attach the rmview.txt file here.

comment:3 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago


I may have been too short in my description. Motherboard: Intel DH67CL; no PS/2 only USB. Installed eCS 2.2 beta II; mouse and keyboard worked. Installed USB-eCS-11.06.wpi. Result no mouse.

I do not use a KVM switch.

Will try your drivers.

by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

Attachment: rmview.txt added

comment:4 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago


Tried your drivers. Als, no change; still no mouse I attached rmview.txt

comment:5 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

But you are using a wireless USB receiver, correct ?

comment:6 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Some add. questions:

1) when you captured the rmview output did you ONLY have the one USB (wireless) USB receiver plugged in or did you have an ADDITIONAL wired USB keyboard plugged in (in addition to the wireless keyboard and mouse that you are using) ?

2) I can see that you system has 2 external USB hubs (they might still be built into your system) and I can see that all devices where plugged into those 2 external USB hubs. Is that correct ?

3) from the captured rmview output and from your config.sys I can only see USBEHCD.SYS being loaded (2 instances = 2 HCs). Is there really no UHCI or OHCI in your system ?
You would need to use the hcmonit.exe tool to find out what HCs you have in your system. That tool comes with the 10.162 base driver package that you can still download from the eComStation website (search in the download section).

comment:7 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

I am using a Logitech K200 USB keyboard, cable-connected. The mouse is Logitech Wireless Trackball M570 with the Unifying wireless receiver.

BTW After installing eCS 2.2 BetaII and before USB-eCS-11.06.wpi the mouse and keyboard functioned normally.

Answers 1) I had only one keyboard (wired USB) and one mouse (wireless USB) connected.

2) I don't know which USB connector is on a Hub or not. They both are plugged into the computer case.

3) Correct; only 2 x EHCD Z:\TMP>hcimonit.exe You have 2 PCI USB EHCI host controller(s)

comment:8 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

milestone: Next Version
Owner: set to David Azarewicz
Priority: majorFeedback Pending
Status: newaccepted

Please try ​ and tell me how it works on your system. The USBHID.SYS, USBMOUSE.SYS and USBKBD.SYS are a matched set. You MUST change all 3 of these drivers as a set. You cannot mix versions of these 3 drivers. The WPI installs them as a set for you.

comment:9 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

I installed the testversion of 11.07 No change.

comment:10 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Thanks for testing.

Please download ​​ and install all the packages in it including the "System Updates" package. Use the default directories for all packages. Then reboot and make sure your your mouse and keyboard are plugged in. Once booted, open an OS/2 command window, navigate to the /ecs/bin directory on your boot disk, and run the testlog program by typing:

testlog usb

Attach the resulting log file to this ticket.

by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

Attachment: LEO-20140113-usb-11.07.log added

comment:11 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago


FWIW I read on Ubuntu forums that there is very rarely a problem with the Logitech Unifying USB receiver. I have never had problems on my Xbuntu installation.

comment:12 by David Azarewicz, 11 years ago

Priority: Feedback Pendingmajor

Thanks for the log file.

Your 046D:C52B -- "Logitech Inc USB Composite Device" is the type of device we are working on issues with. Until we resolve this you can use the 11.05 drivers. The eCS 2.2 beta shipped with the 11.05 drivers. You can just install the 11.05 package on top of what you have now. It is probably enough just to replace USBHID.SYS, USBKBD.SYS, and USBMOUSE.SYS with the ones from the 11.05 package.

by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Attachment: added

USBHID: on individual client registration DO NOT call client driver to check for service

comment:13 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Try Backup and replace ALL 3 drivers (USBHID.SYS, USBKBD.SYS, USBMOUSE.SYS) !

comment:14 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

I copied the drivers over 11.05 Keyboard OK Mouse dead

comment:15 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

As a test: can you revert the order in config.sys of USBKBD.SYS and USBMOUSE.SYS and see if that makes a difference ? Thanks.

comment:16 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

With installed, and in config.sys:


It indeed makes a diffence!

Now the keyboard is OK and the mouse is alive.

by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Attachment: added

reading string descriptor from USBHID, IRQ proc. rework for USBKBD.SYS

comment:17 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Please test "". It also contains an updated USBD.SYS. Backup all existing drivers. The load order of USBMOUSE.SYS and USBKBD.SYS in config.sys should no longer matter. For a proof you should try both load orders in config.sys. Please report back if mouse and keyboard work ok, including the repetition rate and repetition delay for the keyboard (it should exhibit "sensible" behaviour as in "you should not wait for a keypress for an extended period of time").

Version 1, edited 11 years ago by Lars Erdmann (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:18 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago tested In config.sys first USBKBD.SYS and after that USBMOUSE.SYS The mouse is alive. In config.sys first USBMOUSE.SYS and after that USBKBD.SYS No mouse. Don't know about: "the repetition rate and repetition delay for the keyboard (it should exhibit "sensible" behaviour as in "for a pressed key you should not need to wait for a key repetition for an extended period of time")."

comment:19 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

About repetition rate: Maybe my description was a bit confusing. Just do that: 1) open a commandline 2) press a key (letter 'a' for example) and keep it pressed. You will see that the letter is repeated on the commandline. The repetition should happen with a decent speed. If it appears to be slow then something is still wrong with USBKBD.SYS.

comment:20 by Leo Koelemij, 11 years ago

There is no difference in repetition rate of the two config.sys options. BTW: it is the same as in my eCS 2.1 installation.

comment:21 by Lars Erdmann, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

comment:22 by Lars Erdmann, 4 years ago

milestone: Next Version

Milestone deleted

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