Custom Query (93 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 93)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#36 wontfix No mouse, no keyboard with 188 somebody Leo Koelemij

During execution of config.sys I hear two beeps at the beginning of the
CALL/RUN part; I cannot pinpoint the exact line. After config.sys
finished I have a complete desktop, however, I cannot do anything: the
mouse is dead, the keyboard is dead.

Motherboard: Intel DH67CL (no PS/2)

relevant part of config.sys:












#35 fixed mouse stops working with 188 somebody abwillis

With versions prior to 188 were ok. The mouse actually does work when plugged into the laptop directly but not when plugged into the port replicator. Plugged in a 8G stick into the port replicator and it can be accessed just fine. USBDock and USBResmanager both see the mouse when plugged into the port replicator. They show the same as when I plug it into the machine itself. There is a beep when I boot with the mouse plugged into the port replicator and there is also one whenever I unplug it or plug it back into the port replicator. It does not beep when plugged directly into the laptop. I don't know how to tell if the port it is plugged into is using the UHCI or the EHCI driver. There are 6 ports for the UHCI and 2 for EHCI.

#34 invalid Problem using somebody Anchieri

This is a continuation of ticket #23 that has not resolved yet. After installing all file in your last build usbhcd187 I have retested it with my device, this is result for now: 1) Shutdown with power-off - OK 2) Printer - OK 3) Now I can attach my device(sdd, hard disk ecc.), but only one at a time. During the test I have noted that not always the external disk attach in many case I have to reboot the system and attach the disk that I use immediately after the wps come on, otherwise the disk don't attach and in one case the system stop with meter stopped and mouse inoperable, forcing to reboot same as point 4). 4) If I attach my external hard disk drive and boot or reboot the system, it stop booting prior to the message: DMT check your ini's file (this is the last message on screen before wps com up) and I have to detach the drive before to restart the system, cad is useless.

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