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Results (55 - 57 of 93)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#39 wontfix Cannot boot to a working Desktop with USBD.SYS from USBHCD188.ZIP somebody losepete

I unzipped the usbhcd188 files to my eCS2.1 volume and rebooted.

The reboot got as far as playing the Startup sound followed by a "boop" noise and hung; the Desktop Background colour was showing but the Desktop bitmap and icons was not yet displayed.

I attempted rebooting 3 more times and had the same result each time.

I finally booted to my eCS2.0 volume, deleted the USBHCD188 build of USBD.SYS from eCS2.1 and reinstated the IBM 10.162 build of USBD.SYS

I then rebooted to eCS2.1 without problems.

#38 fixed Large USB drive slows to less than a crawl. somebody Doug Bissett

Twice now, I have had my RSYNC backup, to my USB drive, effectively just stop. This is with version 188. I have reverted USBEHCD back to version 186, which always worked good, but it also had a problem, when doing the CHKDSK to recover from the hang. It did, however, finish the job, eventually. The hang seems to happen after a relatively large amount of data has been written (I have no idea about exact numbers, since RSYNC tends to try to reduce the amount). The two stops have happened in different parts of the backup. The first was shortly after it finished writing some large backup files. The second was quite a bit later, but likely after a similar amount of data was written.

The indication is much the same as when an interrupt is lost, but I can't say, for sure, that that is what is happening. When I found it, this morning, there was a beep, then a pause for about 30 seconds, then some disk activity (on the USB drive), for a couple of seconds, then a pause for about 30 seconds, and it started over with another beep. The system was still working, but the mouse was very jumpy, and the drives object would not populate. I tried to do a reboot, using CADH, but it wouldn't go. I had to use the reset button. The following CHKDSK found no errors.

I do have a system dump (CTRL-ALT-NLCK-NLCK), that is a little less than 2 GB, if it might help.

#37 wontfix No devices seen with 1.88 (were found with 1.87) somebody usenet-fbi

I tried 1.87 and both my USB harddisks were working like with 10.162 EHCD (patched drivers by Rüdiger Ihle). With 1.88, my harddisks are not found (I don't have other USB devices attached).

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