Opened 19 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#28 closed defect (unknown)

UNIAUD 1.1.4 RC1 failures SBlive 5.1 - SBAudigy - Intel Audio on Intel 915GAV and 945GTP boards

Reported by: mike.luther@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: ALSA Hardware Compatibility
Component: UNIAUD32 Version: 1.1.4RC6
Severity: critical Keywords: sb audigy mixer


UNIAUD 1.1.4 RC1 works fine with the SBLive 5.1 PCI cards and the Intel 915GAV motherboard. But though it appears to find the card and UNIMIXPM shows the same screen on the Intel 945GTP motherboards, there is no audio at all on them.

UNIAUD 1.1.4 RC1 does not work at all with the SB Audigy SE PCI cards on either the Intel 915GAV or 945GTP motherboards.

UNIAUD 1.1.4 RC1 does not work at all with the on-board Intel 82801 High Definition Audio Controller on the Intel 915GAV motherboard or the Intel 82801GB I/O CONTROLLER Hub High Definition Audio on the Intel 945GTP motherboard.

I used the 109 level master intaller and adding the 1.1.4 RC1 component releases to it, then performed a "0" level install and then a "1" level install each time. I then got a full log with 'copy alsahlp$ uniaud.log' for each motherboard test. I then renamed that log file produced for the six requested log files. They are as follows:

5-15-06 2:35p 3857 0 UNIAUD_AUD_915_BAD.LOG 5-15-06 11:02p 3226 0 UNIAUD_AUD_945_BAD.LOG 5-15-06 2:35p 1567 0 UNIAUD_INT_915_BAD.LOG 5-15-06 11:02p 1381 0 UNIAUD_INT_945_BAD.LOG 5-15-06 2:35p 5116 0 UNIAUD_SB5_915_GUD.LOG 5-15-06 11:02p 4107 0 UNIAUD_SB5_945_BAD.LOG

This includes the log file from the one fully working SBLive 5.1 card in the Intel 915GAV system. It is marked as 'GUD' in the log file names cited above. The file names should clearly and simply identify the motherboard version, the card type as 'AUD' for the Audigy card, 'INT' for the on-board Intel audio chipsets for the 915 and 945 motherboards, as well as 'SB5' for the SBLive 5.1 card use.

In each case, the Intel BIOS settings were such that for any PCI installation of a sound card, the on-board Audio was turned off completely. For tests with Intel on-board audio, there was no sound card plugged into any PCI slot, as well as the BIOS settings were set to enable on-board audio. It makes no difference if legacy front panel audio is enabled or not for the Intel on-board audio in this case. There is still no sound at all from any such enabled system.

Rather than post the long log files here, as this is my first help ticket request, I will try to attach a single file, named UNIAUD_LOG.ZIP with the complete individual above files archived in it. If needed, I can send this file to you, Vladest separately attached to an Email.

I believe the most valuable effort which could be made would be to solve the Intel on-board audio chipset problems first, if possible. Then the SB Audigy card issues, in that the SBLive 5.1 cards are now non-production Creative items. If any of this can be done. We are told Intel is focusing on the 945 series boards now. They work fine with OS/2 MCP2 and the SNAP video toolset. I have a formal request in to Intel to fix their PRO/100-1000 network drivers for OS/2 to get that working on the 945 series NIC's. If the onboard audio problems could be solved, the OS/2 community could have a serious couple year ahead solution of OS/2 and eCs work, I would think.

Thank you for your work and time.

Attachments (3) (4.9 KB ) - added by mike.luther@… 19 years ago.
Archive of requested UNIAUD.LOG files for each test option. (4.9 KB ) - added by mike.luther@… 19 years ago.
uniaud.log (25.2 KB ) - added by Brendan Oakley 17 years ago.
Thomas Dennis' test of 1.1.4RC6

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

by mike.luther@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: added

Archive of requested UNIAUD.LOG files for each test option.

by mike.luther@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by Brendan Oakley, 18 years ago

Uniaud 1.1.4rc2 is reported to work with the SB Audigy SE when used on the ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe.


Could we get a test of 1.1.4rc2 or a recent test build with the SB Audigy SE on the Intel 915GAV and 945GTP boards?

It might also be useful to get a test of these configurations with ALSA if possible.

It would seem the technical issues with Intel HDA devices are more specifically addressed in ticket:41 and others.

comment:2 by Brendan Oakley, 18 years ago

I spoke too soon. Thomas only said the SB Audigy SE was recognized. Here he says it produces no sound:

comment:3 by Yoda, 17 years ago

Milestone: 1.1.4GA
Owner: changed from vladest to Brendan Oakley
Version: 1.1.4

SB cards are supposed to be fixed in 1.1.4 RC5.

Please give us feedback !

comment:4 by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Keywords: sb audigy mixer added
Milestone: 1.1.4GAmilestone1
Priority: highnormal

Thomas Dennis reports on uniaud-user that he tested with 1.1.4RC6. The device is detected, but produces no sound. Attaching log file he provided. Mixer issue?

by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Attachment: uniaud.log added

Thomas Dennis' test of 1.1.4RC6

comment:5 by Brendan Oakley, 17 years ago

Owner: Brendan Oakley removed

This seems to be related to ticket:63.

comment:6 by Paul Smedley, 16 years ago

Can you please try with the latest v1.9.12 build from

comment:7 by Paul Smedley, 16 years ago

Resolution: unknown
Status: newclosed

comment:8 by Paul Smedley, 16 years ago

Please test with a current build of Uniaud from and reopen or create a new ticket if the report is still valid.

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