Opened 15 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#183 closed defect (too-old)

Click at end of sound using Uniaud32 2.1.x

Reported by: David McKenna Owned by: martini
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: UNIAUD32 Version: 2.1.1
Severity: normal Keywords:


Hardware: NVidia CK8S with Realtek ALC850 rev 0

Using UniAud193-21 most sounds end with a 'click' noise. Very short sounds (like the folder-open sound from XWP) do not have it. Longer sounds (like the desktop startup sound) do have it.

UniAud191-1922 works perfectly.

The combination of 193-21 UNIAUD16.SYS and 191-1922 UNIAUD32.SYS also seems to work perfectly (so far). So something must have changed in the new UNIAUD32.SYS for this hardware?

Change History (8)

comment:1 by David Azarewicz, 15 years ago

Owner: set to David Azarewicz
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by David Azarewicz, 15 years ago

Summary: Click at end of sound UniAud193-21Click at end of sound using Uniaud32 2.1.x

comment:3 by David Azarewicz, 15 years ago

Uniaud32 versions 2.1.x are known to have the click at the end of sounds. Uniaud32 versions 1.9.x do not.

comment:4 by martini, 5 years ago


I'm testing a VM with ArcaOS 5.0.4, Uniaud 2.02.06 on an VirtualBox VM. I'm running startup.wav (long sound) and I can not experiment the "click" at the end.

Please post feedback to know if there was progress on this subject.


comment:5 by martini, 5 years ago

Owner: changed from David Azarewicz to martini

comment:6 by David McKenna, 5 years ago


I don't have that hardware anymore, but I can say that recent versions of UniAud do not have the 'click' sound at the end of files anymore, so go ahead and close this, thanks.


comment:7 by martini, 5 years ago


Thanks for the feedback. If someone experiment a clicking sound with the modern version of UniAud, please reopen the ticket and add all possible hardware information.


comment:8 by martini, 5 years ago

Resolution: too-old
Status: assignedclosed
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