Opened 17 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#136 closed enhancement (too-old)

Build Uniaud32 without DDK

Reported by: Brendan Oakley Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Open Tools, etc.
Component: Building Version: 1.1.4RC6
Severity: major Keywords:


This is closely related to Ticket #51.

While not entirely impossible, the DDK is hard to get these days, so it does keep some people from building Uniaud32 who might otherwise.

This makes it extremely difficult to debug Uniaud in the same way that ALSA does, as they rely on testers and bug reporters to build the driver themselves for testing.

It is important to note that under the GPL, we can include the DDK headers as-is, but any replacement code must be GPL, so essentially it must be implemented anew in Uniaud.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by martini, 5 years ago


This ticket is too old. Please use the latest version of Uniaud. If the problem persist, please re-open the ticket.


comment:2 by martini, 5 years ago

Resolution: too-old
Status: newclosed
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