Custom Query (242 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 242)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#126 fixed On NVidia HDA (10DE:03F0) system freezes for 30 seconds when a sound is played sandys

When a sound, like for information, is played, the whole system will freeze for about 30 seconds. And then everything goes back to normal.

#16 invalid test ticket vladest rwklein@…

test ticket

#17 too-old Uniaud fails with IBM AP/2 test tool martini rwklein@…

Some of the MCI tests present in AP2 (AP/2 can be found in the DDK in the ZIP file from IBM). AP/2 can be used to test audio drivers for MMOS/2. If you want I can supply with this tool. It might explain some of the other bugs I'm going to open and some people report there microphone does not work for example properly. It would certainly help to test UNIAUD with this tool and report why some of the test fail.

Roderick Klein

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