Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#62 closed enhancem. (completed)

Integrate samba client library directly into plugin code

Reported by: Yuri Dario Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Netdrive plugin 1.5 alpha 1
Component: Samba Client Plugin Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Move samba code directly into the plugin dll.

This has not be done in the past, probably because dll code was compiled with VAC++, while Samba with gcc. Now both are gcc compiled, so it is time to merge!

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Yuri Dario, 17 years ago

(changeset:145) done initial merge.

return code are still untested

The new plugin shows a improvement in write speed, now I can reach 8MB/s (and more) on the notebook and 10-11 MB/s on the other pc.

Read speed does not show same gain, and it is not constant over time, I see a speed drop every 4-5 seconds.

Connection and reconnection to a share is now more faster, directory scanning is now amazing!

comment:2 by Yuri Dario, 17 years ago

Resolution: completed
Status: newclosed



Task completed and updated build system too.

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