Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#214 closed user error (completed)

Cannot get client to work

Reported by: REXX Owned by: Herwig Bauernfeind
Priority: none Milestone: Samba Server for eCS (OS/2) 1.1.x
Component: Config error Version: Server 3.3.x
Keywords: Cc:


I have server and client installed on two (2) eCS machines, NETBios names HCM and HHCM. I have client access to both machines from Windows 7. I have client access to HHCM from HCM. I have no client access to HCM from HHCM.

The server installation on HHCM appears to be incomplete (no saving and updating of CONFIG.SYS and "homes" not created, even though it exists in the smb.conf file).

I executed the group of troubleshootinf tests on both HCM and HHCM (see the attached 2 files). On HHCM the domain is "BLACKBODY". It should be "HHCM. And there are other problems on HHCM, as indicated in these tests.

Attachments (10)

Tests_on_HCM.TXT (3.1 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago.
Tests_on_HHCM.TXT (3.8 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago.
smb.conf_HCM (3.0 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago.
smb.conf_HHCM (3.1 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago. (252.6 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago. (30.5 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago. (97.3 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago. (157.3 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago. (228.5 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago. (78.0 KB ) - added by REXX 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (32)

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: Tests_on_HCM.TXT added

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: Tests_on_HHCM.TXT added

comment:1 by REXX, 12 years ago

Many of the comments in Ticket #194 also apply to me:

  1. No problems with Samba server, when using Windows 7 clients (all shares on HCM and HHCM afe available and accessible)
  2. On HHCM Samba client will not show any subfolders on any of the shares (folders) present on HCM. When I try to click on any HCM folder, I get the hourglass and no response
  3. On HHCM Samba client shows all of the subfolders existing in any shares (folders) on HHCM.

comment:2 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

Please provide smb.conf files from server as well as from client(s).

comment:3 by REXX, 12 years ago

Thank you for your response. Attached please find the smb.conf files from HCM and HHCM.

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: smb.conf_HCM added

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: smb.conf_HHCM added

comment:4 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

The smb.conf appear to be from servers both, none from a client. If the machines are acting both as servers and clients, make sure you have at least latest 3.3 on both server and client.

Try to use smbclient.exe to connect to servers. If that works, but not using EVFS/Netdrive/plugin - then client configuration is borked.

Eventually also post the output in the about box from EVFSGUI...

comment:5 by REXX, 12 years ago

OK, I'm a little confused here. The smb.conf files are both from the server installation. I installed the server first, then the client (true on both HCM and HHCM). I used as part of the install packages for the client. The "Readme.clut" file from that zip package states to place the smb.conf file in the "\samba directory in your %ETC% directory". On my machines that directory is "E:\MPTN\ETC\samba\", since E:\ is the boot drive. However, the smb.conf file already exist there, because of the server install. I did not replace the smb.conf from the server install.

Was I supposed to replace the smb.conf from the server install?

How do it use smbclient.exe to connect to a Samba server? Right now I'm starting the server on both machines (Start Samba server program object), then using evfsgui.EXE or ndpm.exe to start up client services. And of course client services fail on HHCM, but not HCM.

comment:6 by REXX, 12 years ago

Also, I have the latest Samba server and client on both machines. Specifically:


kLibc Runtime libraries (libc-0_6_5-csd5.wpi) GCC 4 runtime libraries (gcc4core-1_2_1.wpi) REXX libraries (rxlib4smb.wpi) WarpIn install package (Samba-1-1-2.wpi)



comment:7 by REXX, 12 years ago

Hello, I think if you examine the testing I did on HHCM (Tests_on_HHCM.TXT), you will find that I've already tested out using smbclient to connect. Does not work, when trying to connect to HCM (the other Samba server).

A key to this problem is that HHCM says that the Domain is "BLACKBODY". Why does it do that? It should be "HHCM".

comment:8 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

Domain "Blackbody" is ok - that is the value for workgroup in both smb.conf files.

comment:9 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

we need a loglevel 10 log from the server that stops responding.

comment:10 by REXX, 12 years ago

OK, I'll send out a loglevel 10 later today.

I still wonder about my test results (part of my domain question). If you examine the 2 test files ("Tests_on_HHCM.TXT" and "Tests_on_HCM.TXT") you find that, using smbclient, HCM calls the domain "HCM", the name of the computer. HHCM calls it "BLACKBODY" the name of the workground. Also, HCM asks for the password on "Guest", while HHCM asks for the password on "HHCM". There is no "HHCM" account. I cannot get HHCM to request the password for "Guest". Why does smbclient do that on HHCM? How do I get HHCM to prompt for the credentials on user account (Guest, not HHCM).

comment:11 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

What is the value of your %USER% environment variable? Samba Core asks for the password of the user defined there in order to user these credentials per default.

Use the following to force smbclient to use specific credentials

smbclient \\srv\share --user=MyUserName%supersecretpassword

comment:12 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

Please also provide to output of

smbtree -N

in your network.

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:13 by REXX, 12 years ago

Hello, Thank your for your help and the information you provided.

Attached please find the loglevel 10 log files ( Also, please find the "About" reading from both Samba clients. When reading the log files, it is HHCM where I cannot establish a client connection to HCM.

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:14 by REXX, 12 years ago

Attached please find the "smbtree -N" output from both machines. The USER environmental variable is not defined on HCM. It is "HHCM" on HHCM. Thank you for that information. I guess that explains the behavior of smbclient.exe on HHCM

comment:15 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

From looking at the logs I see that that there is something very odd going on, however I don't fully understand the how and what.

Please make sure that %USER% does not have the same value as the machine name. That confuses me (and possibly Samba, too) ;-)

For testing, I'd suggest to set %USER% to "root" on both machines. Later on, as soon as we have resolved the issues, I'd suggest defining a proper user for each machine (both not named HCM or HHCM) using smbusers.exe and use these.

Please provide the logs again with a proper setup of %USER%!

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

by REXX, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:16 by REXX, 12 years ago

Good morning, Attached please find the log files from HCM and HHCM after fixing the USER problem (setting USER=root on both machines). Missing from the upload is a single file, log.smbd.guest. At 331K compressed, it is larger than the NetLabs file limit. Please note that on this Samba execution, HCM is the Master Browser, while HHCM is

comment:17 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

From looking into the logs, I clearly see that you are providing a false password.

It looks like the user/groups setup on both machines is borked (groups missing, users setup wrongly).

I do not know, what you did during installation, but it appears there was clearly something wrong (erasing obligatory group entries or the like?).

I recommend to run

sscc /install 

and create a new backend and start over again. Then use


in order to setup user properly and add them to the appropriate groups.

Make sure you have at least TINFO5.DLL and READLN6.DLL (from rpm/yum) in your LIBPATH. Some revisions of the core binaries require these and the error messages in case they are missing are misleading...

comment:18 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

Milestone: Samba Server for eCS (OS/2) 1.1.x
Owner: changed from nobody to Herwig Bauernfeind
Priority: majortrivial
Status: newaccepted
Type: defecttask

comment:19 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 12 years ago

Component: UnknownConfig error
Priority: trivialnone
Type: taskuser error

comment:20 by REXX, 12 years ago

Thank you for your help and recommendations.

comment:21 by Silvan Scherrer, 12 years ago

is this ticket now fixed?

comment:22 by Silvan Scherrer, 12 years ago

Resolution: completed
Status: acceptedclosed

it seems like this one is either fixed or was a non issue.

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