Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#151 new enhancem.

NLS enhancement

Reported by: Guillaume Gay Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Samba Client 2.3.x
Component: Samba Client Plugin Version:
Keywords: Cc:


It would be nice to "easily" get a localized plugin - either a DLL compiled for every language (instpl.cmd can do the rest), or ideally something more dynamic (the plugin settings would change according to the system's LANG setting).

Of course, the plugin settings might not be seen THAT often, but the user would then get something more "consistent" in case the localized versions of NDPM or EVFS GUI are used.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 14 years ago

Right now, it would require to translate this file and build the plugin separately for each language.

Alternatively, at least the resources would have to be built separately for each language and linked to the (common) DLL during installation by instpl.cmd.

comment:2 by Silvan Scherrer, 9 years ago

Milestone: Netdrive plugin 2.2.xSamba Client 2.3.x

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