Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 292)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#150 fixed EVFSGUI crashes during "Detach all" Herwig Bauernfeind Herwig Bauernfeind
Line 20 of PB_DETACH_Click in evfsgui.VRM:
+++               Do i = 1 To mounts;
*** Error 41 Bad arithmetic conversion
Line 6 of Menu_Context_Detach_All_Click in evfsgui.VRM:
+++           Call PB_DETACH_Click;
Line 50 of Main in evfsgui.VRM:
+++       Call Menu_Context_Detach_All_Click;
Line 50 of Main in evfsgui.VRM:
+++     Interpret _VREEvent;
#222 fixed EVFSGUI fatal error 'E' at startup Herwig Bauernfeind asavage

Upon a recent reboot, I saw this:

" Line 22 of _LoadOtherFuncs in evfsgui.VRM: +++ Call VRMessage 'Main', 'REXX function library 'strip(translate(word(sourceline(sigl -1),4),' ',",'))'.DLL is missing!','EVFSGUI fatal error','E'; "


It has not been seen since.

Steven Levine opines: "This looks like two problems. One is an intermittently unloadable DLL and another is a failure of the error reporting code.

#200 fixed EVFSGUI picks wrong interface for LMHOSTS nobody Doug Bissett


I have an IBM ThinkPad? T43 (1871-W8M). It has a wireless, and a wired NIC. When the wired NIC is attached to my router, at boot time, it gets an IP address ( XWLAN then tries to connect the wireless NIC, which gets IP address Since a system can only have one address in any given range, XWLAN changes the wireless NIC address to 169.254.<random number>.<random number>. Now, when EVFSGUI tries to manage LMHOSTS, it incorrectly picks the 169.254.<random number>.<random number> address, which doesn't work because it is a dead address. At other times, XWLAN leaves the "unused" NIC with address, which also doesn't work, but doesn't seem to be chosen by EVFSGUI.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.