Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 292)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#219 fixed Build string in recent plugins borked (was: Network Neighbourhood) Silvan Scherrer Barbara

No more LAN available and errors in product information window repor: Samba Client Versions:
File system EVFS Version 1.002
Plugin file C:\ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll
Plugin file C:\ecs\dll\InstallPackages?\ndpsmb\ndpsmb.dll
Commandline utilities Version 3.5.19-eCS 1.2.0-759
EVFSGUIVersion 2.5.RC3-[2013-04-05]
Plugin is NDPSMB-2_1_3-GA-20130407 installed simply using WarpIn?, but those errors may be because I'm using eComStation 2.2 beta, so how could i solve them?

#227 fixed Timestamps set to current time when file is read Silvan Scherrer Neil Waldhauer

If I read from a file on the server using REXX, the file time is set to the current time.

somefile = 'r:\somefile.txt' firstline = linein(somefile) call stream somefile, 'c', 'close'

after the call to stream, the file time is set. This is with an experimental fix provided for smbd.exe that retains file times when copying from client to server

client is eComStation with latest ndpsmb server is eComStation with experimental smbd.exe (8-16-13 2:41 5,378,052 124 smbd.exe)

#236 fixed exceptQ Silvan Scherrer Silvan Scherrer

add exceptQ support to samba

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