Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 292)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#62 completed Integrate samba client library directly into plugin code Yuri Dario

Move samba code directly into the plugin dll.

This has not be done in the past, probably because dll code was compiled with VAC++, while Samba with gcc. Now both are gcc compiled, so it is time to merge!

#63 invalid Files with Umlauts not visible in a MDOS box using Netdrive/ndpsmb Herwig Bauernfeind

8.3 Files and directories that have Umlauts (such as äöüÄÖÜß, possibly others, too) in their names, are not visible in a MDOS box, when the share is mounted using Netdrive/ndpsmb 1.0 (and 1.4.9).

This is a client error, as tests showed that the very same files on the very same share are visible and accessible when the connection is made with IBM LAN Requester.

#64 worksforme Files with EAs greater than 50KB cannot be written to server share Yuri Dario

If a file has more than 50KB in extended attributes, it cannot be written to server share.

Preliminary tests shows that smbd is rejecting the SMB packet:

[2008/08/20 19:05:53, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet_set(106)
  error packet at smbd/trans2.c(6788) cmd=51 (SMBtranss2) NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER

It is not clear if this is a server side fault or a bad packet assembled in the client library.

Also it is not clear if a single big EA is required to trigger the bug or it depends on size of all EA of the file.

A simple way to replicate this is to use PMView to create a 200x200 or 224x224 thumbnail on a image, then copy the file to the server.

Since this crashes also ndctl.exe when using plugin 1.5, it means there is something broken on client side for sure.

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